Wireless != WiFi

Introduction to Wireless Network Security

Wireless networks are crucial for user productivity, yet they can inadvertently expose your internal network to external threats. Wireless Security Assessment plays a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities in wireless entry points (WEP) that could be exploited by cybercriminals. These attacks can occur without physical access, posing risks from both internal and external threats. To safeguard your wireless network and mitigate security risks, organizations must conduct regular testing of wireless entry points, including those stemming from WLAN, Zigbee, Bluetooth, and Z-wave technologies. Common vulnerabilities in native protocols and encryption designs, coupled with misconfigurations in enterprise WLAN setups, often lead to wireless network breaches. To address these security gaps and fortify your business against potential threats, Selkey Cyber Security offers Wireless Security Assessment with penetration testing. This service acts as a barrier to unauthorized access, enhancing the overall security posture of your IT infrastructure while adhering to industry standards and regulations.




Wireless Penetration Testing initiates with a meticulous discovery phase. This involves the identification of hidden networks within the system’s infrastructure. Through comprehensive scanning and probing, our experts unveil concealed wireless access points and scrutinize the protocols employed. This phase lays the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the network landscape, facilitating informed decision-making in subsequent stages.



Following the discovery phase, our assessment process begins. This entails a systematic evaluation of the security posture of the identified networks. Our skilled analysts meticulously analyze the vulnerabilities and weaknesses present, employing a range of techniques such as vulnerability scanning, traffic analysis, and protocol assessment. Through this comprehensive assessment, we provide clients with a detailed overview of their network’s security status, enabling them to prioritize and address critical areas of concern.


    • The final stage of our analysis involves exploitation, where identified vulnerabilities are actively exploited to simulate real-world cyberattacks. Leveraging sophisticated penetration testing methodologies, our team endeavors to exploit weaknesses in network defenses, applications, and configurations. This simulated attack scenario provides invaluable insights into the efficacy of existing security measures and highlights areas requiring immediate attention. Ultimately, this phase empowers organizations to fortify their defenses, enhance resilience, and mitigate the risk of potential cyber threats.


Initially, our testing phase commences with the disclosure of basic technical details to the technical team, encompassing center frequency, bandwidth, and FCCID device application. Leveraging this information alongside datasheets, we diligently scrutinize the device’s development phase, identifying potential loopholes.

Subsequently, we meticulously plan to address a spectrum of vulnerabilities, ranging from low-hanging fruit to high-level attacks. Special emphasis is placed on evaluating the device’s encoding and encryption mechanisms to gauge their robustness against exploitation.

Weak Protocols

Default Credentials


Brute Force Attack

Evil Twin Attack

Spoofing Attack

Wireless Network Segregation

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