Web Application Penetration Testing

Securing Web Applications: A Comprehensive Approach

Explore the multifaceted strategies and methodologies employed in ensuring the security of web applications against evolving cyber threats.


Understanding Web Application Security

Delve into the significance of securing web applications amidst escalating cyber threats.


The Process of Web Application Penetration Testing

Explore the proactive measures involved in identifying vulnerabilities to safeguard sensitive data and financial assets.


Selkey Cyber Security's Approach

Unveil Selkey Cyber Security’s specialized methodology in Web Application Security Testing, emphasizing manual techniques and in-depth research.


Key Focus Areas and Methodologies

Examine Certbar’s meticulous focus on uncovering business logic vulnerabilities and utilizing a spectrum of industry standards for comprehensive testing.

Dynamic Web Application Security Strategies

Explore Selkey Cyber Security’s dynamic approach to staying ahead of emerging threats and effectively assessing web application security through penetration testing methodologies and specialist tools.


Dynamic Analysis Methodology

Adapting to emerging threats by integrating current security standards like ASVS by OWASP, SANS top 25, MITRE | ATT & CK, NVD, OWASP top 10, NIST, and OSSTMM.


Tools for Effective Penetration Testing

Utilizing specialist tools like Burp Suite, Metasploit Pro, Kali Linux, Wireshark, and custom-developed exploits to assess web application security effectively.


Selkey Cyber Security's Dynamic Approach

Employing a dynamic methodology to ensure clients stay ahead in the evolving landscape of technology and threats.


Ethical Hacking Expertise

Combining knowledge of the latest web application security testing tools with deep understanding for effective penetration testing of web applications.

Web applications may interact with each other

Web applications often communicate with each other through APIs or data exchanges, facilitating seamless integration and interoperability in the digital ecosystem.

Static Tools

Mobile Application


Thick Client

Selkey Cyber Security's Holistic Assessment Process

Explore the structured approach of Selkey Cyber Security, covering all aspects from prerequisite establishment to detailed reporting in their comprehensive security assessment process.


Prerequisites & Goal Definition

Establishing foundational requirements and outlining objectives before proceeding with assessments.


Service Enumeration

Identifying and cataloging the services within the system to streamline assessment processes.


Application Scope Definition

Clarifying the scope of assessment tailored to specific applications to ensure comprehensive coverage.


Information Gathering Enhancement

Utilizing advanced techniques to gather detailed information for a holistic understanding of the system’s security posture.


Vulnerability Assessment

Systematically identifying and analyzing vulnerabilities within the defined scope.


Penetration Testing

Simulating real-world attacks to uncover potential security weaknesses and assess system resilience.


Post-Exploitation Analysis

Assessing the impact of successful attacks and identifying further vulnerabilities for remediation.


Detailed Reporting

Compiling findings into comprehensive reports to provide actionable insights and recommendations for security improvement.

Advanced Fuzzing for Technical Vulnerability Detection

Discover how Selkey Cyber Security employs a robust fuzzing methodology, utilizing a comprehensive list of 400+ payloads to identify technical vulnerabilities effectively.

Static Tools

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Xpath Injection

Improper Input Validation

Directory Traversal

Buffer Overflow

OTP Bypass

Unrestricted File Upload

Ownership Verification Failures
When ownership verification is weak, attackers might exploit the application to perform actions or access resources on behalf of others without permission.
Insecure Password Recovery Processes
Weak or poorly designed password recovery mechanisms can be exploited by attackers, allowing them to take over user accounts.
Exploiting User-Controlled Authorization Keys
If the application uses user-supplied keys or identifiers for authorization purposes, attackers can manipulate these keys to unlawfully access restricted resources or functionalities.
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Sample Report on Web Application Security


Discover detailed insights into web application vulnerabilities, learn about effective identification techniques, and explore actionable remediation strategies. Strengthen the security of your digital assets now.


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